JSIL approves interim dividends

23 Apr, 2009

The Board of Directors of JS Investments Limited (JSIL), the Management Company of JS Income Fund (JS IF) and JS Aggressive Income Fund (JS AIF), in a meeting held here on Wednesday approved interim dividends for JS IF and JS AIF for the third quarter of FY 09, ended March 31, 2009.
According to a press release issued here a pay out of Rs 4.50 per unit of par value of Rs 100 (4.5 percent) was approved for JS IF, while interim payout of Rs 1.50 per unit of par value of Rs 100/- (1.5 percent) was approved for the Unit Holders of JS AIF. This brings the total payout for the year to Rs 7.55 per unit of par value of Rs 100/- and Rs 4.25 per unit of par value of Rs 100/- for JS IF and JS AIF, respectively.
Unit Holders who have opted for cash payout will receive cash payment while Unit Holders who have opted for bonus units will be allocated units at the net asset value at the close of business on March 31, 2009.
The above entitlement will be paid to the Unit Holders, whose names appear in the register of Unit Holders at the close of business on April 16, 2009. "We are proud of the fact that income funds being managed by JSIL are amongst the best performing income funds of the industry with JS Income Fund at the top of the league table", said Najam Ali, CEO of JSIL.-PR

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