ARL awarded for best environmental, social practices

23 Apr, 2009

World-wide Fund for Nature (WWF) and Association of Chartered Certified Accountants (ACCA) have awarded "Best Sustainability Report Award 2008" to Attock Refinery Limited (ARL) in recognition of its encouragement for best environmental and social practices.
Kamran Lashari, Additional Secretary, Ministry of Environment presented the award to ARL Management in an impressive function held here in Environment Ministry on Wednesday. It was second year in a row that ARL was awarded the "Best Sustainability Report Award 2008" in the local listed companies' category by Association of Chartered Certified Accountants (ACCA) and WWF.
This award aims to recognise and reward those organisations which report and disclose environmental, social or sustainability performance to encourage best practices in environmental, social and sustainability reporting to raise awareness of reporting corporate social responsibility issues and performance.
Panel of judges mentioned in their synopsis that ARL report encompasses the criteria of completeness, credibility and communication while at the same time illustrating the essential characteristics of triple bottom line reporting. ARL strength lies in highly motivated human resource, knowledge based management and conducive, and learning culture to encourage creative thinking and innovation. Good corporate governance, conservation of natural resources including biodiversity and corporate social responsibility are its priority areas. The company cherishes and places great emphasis on organisational core values which has helped the company not only in attaining sustainability but also continuous growth since 1922.
It is pertinent to note that, ARL is a member of the Attock Oil Group of Companies, a fully integrated group covering all segments of oil and gas industry from exploration & production and refining to marketing of a wide range of petroleum products in Pakistan.

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