Last date of renunciation/payment

23 Apr, 2009

Last dates of renunciation/payment.

COMPANY Trading in L/Right Last Date for Spot From At Premium of
W e f Payment/Ren.
Atlas Engineering 13.03.2009 27.04.2009 20.04.2009 -
Ghani Value Glass 13.03.2009 27.07.2009 20.04.2009 -
Nishat (Chunian) 30.03.2009 29.04.2009 22.04.2009 -
D.G. Khan Cement 03.04.2009 16.05.2009 - Rs 10/-
Engro Chemical 02.04.2009 20.05.2009 - Rs 40/-
Azgard Nine 21.04.2009 21.05.2009 - Rs 3/50
Azgard Nine
(Non-Voting) 21.04.2009 21.05.2009 - Rs 3/50
Meezan Bank 20.04.2009 03.06.2009 - -
Gul Ahmed Textile 30.04.2009 15.06.2009 - Rs 30/-

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