
24 Apr, 2009

Nizam-i-Adl has been enforced in Swat and will be implemented in other areas of Fata region. Qazi courts have started functioning. During a recent address of Sufi Mohammad at Mingora, he stated that existing High Courts and the Supreme Court of Pakistan are the creation of British rule and are un-Islamic. This is an attack on the entire system of judiciary in Pakistan.
People are confused at the daily changing perception of Nizam-i-Adl as envisaged by Sufi Mohammad. People hope that Nizam-i-Adl will be confined to Fata region only and not allowed to spread in settled areas of NWFP and beyond. General consensus between the public shows a trend to allow the system to work initially in tribal areas and get a feedback of how it delivers. At the same time people in Pakistan are apprehensive of how the judiciary is delivering justice in the rest of Pakistan.
Our judicial system is expensive - beyond the reach of a poor man. It is time consuming and needs trimming of unnecessary procedural matters that delay the decision-making of the courts. On minor issues, both criminal and civil cases taking years to decide negates the purpose of seeking justice. Our lawmakers need to review the existing procedures that cause delays.
Legal cases, both civil and criminal, in UK do not take years like in Pakistan, which shows our incompetence to deliver justice speedily. I know of a case where division of land has taken two years and the case has not yet started for initial hearing. In all fairness, Nizam-i-Adl and our normal judicial system be debated on TV channels to find out how these two parallel systems will work and deliver and what improvements can be made to make them effective.

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