Pakistani students not to be deported: Lord Nazir

24 Apr, 2009

Lord Nazir Ahmed, the Kashmir-born life-time member of the House of Lords has asked the British government not to deport Pakistani students. These UK-based Pakistan students were released by the British Greater Manchester Police owing to lack of any evidence of the charges against them.
Talking to APP by phone on Thursday, he said he had written to British Secretary of State for the Home Department MP Jacqui Smith expressing his deep concern over the recent remarks made by the British politicians that there was more than enough evidence for charges to be made against the eleven Pakistani students who were arrested on April 8.
He said it was even more shocking since it had been reported on Wednesday that all the 11 men had been released without any charges being made. "Had there been any evidence against them, I am sure these men should have been detained for the full 28 days that the Anti-terror laws permit, and would have been charged with some offence, rather than being released two weeks later", the Lord said quoting the text of his letter addressed to the British Home Secretary.
Lord Ahmed said it was highly inappropriate for politicians to be commenting on cases as this was clearly the job of the police force. "These cases are of the highest sensitivity and should not be taken lightly", he remarked. Additionally, he said since there was obviously no evidence to charge these men, it would be wrong for the British government to deport the 10 Pakistani nationals.
Lord Ahmed said that he has also sought an early reply from the British home minister, Secretary of State for Home department over the recent episode of the arrest of eleven Pakistani students and their release by the British court on lack of evidence by the prosecution.

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