Seventh e-banking conference, exhibition held

24 Apr, 2009

New Technology and change is beneficial both for Banks and Customers as they are time savings, said Talib Baloch Managing Director Pakistan Software Export Board here on Tuesday.
He was addressing 7th International E-Banking Conference and Exhibition organised by Total Communication with collaboration of Federal Ministry of IT, Pakistan Software Export Board, Pakistan Software Housing Association and Government of Sindh. Talib said that now a Bank Customer could bank by any place and update for its cash information.
Pakistan is now exporting Banking Solutions for E-Banking and it is a great achievement and during last few years IT & Banking sector witnessed a great progress.
Saleem Rafik, COO Nadra said that in Pakistan there was a Service Divide and there was a variation between services available to urban population then rural population and Nadra is striving hard to provide the same services to far flung areas and E-Banking is a way to provide latest services and Banking solutions to our villagers and peoples of remote area by E-Sahulat utility bills payment.
Jehan Ara President Pakistan Software Houses Association said that this Conference was also held in Bangladesh this year and next year we will hold this Conference in Sri Lanka. She emphasised Pakistani Banking sector to encourage Pakistani Solutions Provider they better know the ground reality as well as local laws and regulation very well and showed their potential globally by winning awards.
Umair Azam Country Sales Manager AVAYA said that E-Banking provides fast and least expensive solutions for banking product. Sadiq Panjwani Manager Financial Sector IBM Pakistan said that next era of Banking is Smart Banking where Bank will work as Financial Advisor to their customer.
Haider Devjianie EVP & Head of IT Soneri Bank said that now customer is well aware and demanding more and more and one can survive only by providing cutting edge technology. Mir M. Nasir Director Strategic Group Inbox said that by introducing Digital Pen & Paper customer information can be transmitted to Database directly.
Sajjad Syed Managing Director SAP Pakistan said that in this age everyone offering same product and to survive it is necessary to compete in quality of service and it is possible by adopting cutting edge ICT Technology. On this occasion Ammar Hussain Jaffery Project Director National Response Center for Cyber Crime FIA elaborated need of public awareness regarding Cyber Crime.-PR

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