Senate body urges members to take country out of economic crunch

24 Apr, 2009

The Senate Standing Committee on Finance on Thursday met and urged the elected representatives to not only reduce their expenditure but also make efforts to take the country out of the severe economic crunch. The Secretary Senate informed the meeting that the Secretariat made a substantial saving of Rs 10 crore last year and this year too a substantial amount of saving is expected.
The committee met with Chairman Senate, Farooq H. Naek in the chair and observed that the Senate is fully alive to the current economic situation and is willing to play its due role in promoting austerity to tide over the existing difficulties. 'We will undertake austerity measures voluntarily to contribute towards economising wherever possible', the chairman observed.
It was attended among others by leader of the opposition in the Senate, Wasim Sajjad, Senator Muhammad Ishaq Dar, Senator Professor Khurshid Ahmad, Senator Muhammad Ali Durrani, Senator Justice (Retd) Abdul Razzaq Thahim, Senator Muhammad Azam Khan Swati and Senator Ahmed Ali besides Secretary Senate, Raja Muhammad Amin, Additional Secretary Ministry of Finance and senior officials of the Senate Secretariat.
The Chairman said 'the Upper House must join the nation in promoting economy and give the right kind of message to the people that their elected representatives not only share the present crunch but are also striving to do their utmost to over come it'.
The meeting called for maximum possible economic austerity in day to day expenditures of the Secretariat with a view to keeping it well within the prescribed budgetary limits. It underscored the need to reduce and curtail expenditure by limiting foreign visits and restricting the number of delegates to international conferences and meetings.
'Foreign visits should only be undertaken in unavoidable cases and size of the delegations should be reduced to minimum', said the Chairman. It was also agreed to minimise the number of official lunches and dinners as well as the number of invitees. 'These banquets must only be held sparingly in honour of important visiting dignitaries with minimum local invitees'.
Senator Muhammad Azam Khan Swati and some other members proposed that an ethical committee be set up by amending the existing rules as it was the need of the hour. The proposed Committee's role, he said, would be supervisory and regulatory in nature to oversee expenditures.
In similar context, leader of the opposition, Senator Wasim Sajjad observed that the role of Chairman is of paramount importance in reducing expenditures and introducing financial discipline. He assured that the Chairman would be provided all out support in this regard.
Senator Ishaq Dar said he had proposed freezing of non-salary expenses last year and it would be a laudable step if a similar exercise is undertaken this year too. 'At least avoidable expenses must be reduced', he said. The Chairman clarified that at times the size of delegations had to be kept at a certain level as voting at International fora is involved.
He however, endorsed the view that the visits be undertaken only in unavoidable cases to achieve foreign policy objectives. The meeting also dwelt on proposals to reduce expenditures being incurred on holding committee meetings. Members held the view that these meetings must be made result oriented and productive since tax payer's money is involved.
The Secretary Senate informed the meeting that the Secretariat made a substantial saving of Rs 10 crore last year and this year too a substantial amount of saving is expected. He also clarified that the nominal increase this year was due to the increase in pays and allowances announced by the Government from time to time and enhancement of rental ceilings. The Secretariat had to make provision for these expenses. The meeting accorded approval of the budget estimates of the Senate for the next financial year.

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