Punjab University holds book fair at new campus

25 Apr, 2009

Former Foreign Minister Khurshed Mahmood Kasuri, PPP leader Asharf Ali Sohna, Ahsan Ullah Waqas, renowned writers Tariq Ismail Sagar, Mashkoor Hussain Yaad and other national renowned personalities along with PU Vice-Chancellor Professor Dr Mujahid Kamran visited the Book Fair here at New Campus on Friday.
Speaking on the occasion Khursheed Mahmood Kasuri praised the university administration, teachers and students for organising book fair. He said that Muslims ruled on Spain and Europe through education and research and everyone accept this reality that rapid development in science and research is due to the contribution of Muslims towards education and research.
He said now-a-days Muslims are in miserable situation because they are not taking interests in education and research. He said that wrong picture of Islam was presented before the world and the Muslims youth through education and research could present true picture of Islam in front of world.
Ashraf Sohna said that it is pleasant that university administration and students proved their close associations with books through organising successful book fair. He said that Punjab University Book Fair is playing key role to promote the light of education.
Speaking on the occasion Vice-Chancellor Professor Dr Mujahid Kamran said that Muslim World is facing problems due to ignoring books. He said that research is the solution of different problems occurring in the world.
He said Muslims in the past worked on creation of new knowledge and opened the door of development for the world. He said Muslims should develop their close association with books if they want renaissance of Islam. On second day of book fair thousands of students, teachers and people from all walks of life visited the book fair and showed their interests in the books of literature, science and other disciplines.
It is worth mentioning that Punjab University vice-chancellor constituted 8 committees comprising over teachers and students to organise this book fair. In this book fair 177 stalls with up to 50 percent discount in prices will continue till Saturday until 9 pm.

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