Parc develops bio-remediation technology

26 Apr, 2009

Sardar Assef Ahmed, Deputy Chairman, Planning Commission of Pakistan has said that Pakistan Agricultural Research Council's (Parc) efforts are commendable to develop bio-remediation technology which is vital for reclaiming used-water. He was speaking during his visit to the National Agricultural Research Centre (Narc).
He directed the agricultural scientists that they should submit set of projects in various disciplines like establishment of mango research programme focusing new concepts of husbandry and product development, public-private initiatives on mango pulp, powder and dry mango snacks and citrus peel natural colourings, establishment of school of agribusiness, process engineering of bio-products, use of brackish water for crop production and alternative sustainable agriculture production systems.
Dr Zafar Altaf, Chairman Parc apprised the deputy chairman that Parc scientists have already done a marvellous job and about 35,000 gallons (per day) used-water at Narc main offices building and hostels has been reclaimed for irrigation by using microbes and phytoremediation. He said that low cost appropriate technologies could be a breakthrough for solving sanitation problems of rural areas. He further informed that the technology is also useful for enhancing soil fertility.
Dr Zafar Altaf said that Parc has developed an organic fertiliser and modified the mud press waste in granulates and per bag of 50 kg costs Rs 375 only. The technology will give excellent impact and also help to improve the economy and minimise pollution in soil, water and food chain. DG Dr Iftikhar Ahmed was also present.-PR

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