Naek says Senate determined to pass laws for good governance

26 Apr, 2009

Chairman Senate Farooq H. Naek has said that the Upper House is determined to pass laws to help in good governance as people are expecting it from the democratic government. He said this while talking to journalists at a luncheon ceremony hosted for the journalists at parliament House on Saturday.
He aid that Senate is a unique forum in the sense that here all the federating units have equal representation. The legislation, he said, is the most important and basic function of the Parliament. "It is the prime duty of the chair to create an enabling and conducive atmosphere in the House, paving way for effective legislation, he maintained. I want to focus single mindedly on this very aspect.
Being custodian of this house, I would always strive to uphold the highest standards of objectivity and impartiality," He said. The Chairman Senate said that the Upper House was equal for both treasury and opposition benches. The Senate was such an institution where all the four provinces had been given equal representation, he said.
He said that the Senate is fortunate in the sense that it has within its fold some very seasoned and experienced men with a high level of expertise. About media, Chairman Senate said an independent media is eyes and ears of any government, and a democratic government cannot achieve its objectives without it. In this regard, he said that press has a very important role to play in a democracy.
No democratic set up can be visualised without a free press and media, he said. However, it would be my request to you to avoid portraying a pessimistic picture in view of the prevailing situation, he said. "We must forge unity in our rank and file and let the future historian say 'it was our finest hour,' he said. He said that Senate would undoubtedly play its role and it expects and hope that the press would supplement efforts to transform Pakistan into a progressive country.

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