Second Global Telecon held

26 Apr, 2009

Speakers and industry experts at the 2nd Global Telecon 2009 on Thursday endorsed technology advancement for economic growth and consumer satisfaction as the cornerstone of Pakistan's telecommunication environment in the immediate future.
Chief Guest on the occasion Pakistan Telecommunication Authority (PTA) Chairman Dr Muhammad Yaseen emphasised the critical role of an attractive and collectively favourable telecom regulatory policy. In his keynote address, Dr Yaseen highlighted the flexibility in the existing policy, which accommodated rapid changes and enabled revolutionary advancements.
He stressed on the need to respond quickly to the global telecom transformations with regulations, which could suit all players, but in the overall context favour economic growth and consumer satisfaction in Pakistan.
Higher Education Commission (HEC) Executive Director Professor Sohail Naqvi in his key-note address on the academia-socio perspective, appreciated the positive social change brought about by the robust growth in the dynamic telecom sector but also noted that use of advanced technology for ease of communication should be beneficial for overall social and educational development of the users.
Earlier, Menin Rodrigues, Chairman Telecon 2009 and President & CEO, Shamrock Communications (Private) Limited in his opening remarks welcomed the participants from all over Pakistan, including some from very remote locations. He thanked them for making Telecon 2009 a rich informative experience. He also expressed his optimism towards the capabilities and determination of Pakistan's telecom industry leaders and experts to steer the country towards a sustainable economic growth.-PR

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