ANP delegation calls on Sindh chief minister

27 Apr, 2009

A three-member delegation of Awami National Party (ANP) led by its provincial chief, Shahi Syed, called on Sindh Chief Minister, Syed Qaim Ali Shah. An official statement said that the situation pertaining to law and order in the metropolis was discussed in the meeting held at the Chief minister House here on Sunday.
The CM informed the delegation that the provincial government is keeping a vigilant eye on miscreants in the metropolis, adding that the law enforcement agencies have been issued strict directions in this regard. Qaim Ali Shah said that all resources would be utilised to curb the miscreants and the decisions made during the meeting of the coalition partners would be fully implemented.
He stated that the nefarious designs of the conspirators would be frustrated in order to maintain the law and order in the province with the help of all the segments of the society. Qaim said that the spirit of amity and brotherhood would be promoted in the province.
During the meeting Shahi Syed apprised the CM about prevailing situation in the province especially in Karachi, however, he assured Syed Qaim Ali Shah cohesion and brotherhood as well as respect for one another would be fostered. He supported the government's steps in the province, the statement added. Sindh Home Minister Dr Zulfiqar Mirza, Adviser to Chief Minister, Rashid Rabbani, and Special Assistant, Waqar Medhi, were also present on the occasion.

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