Farmers decide to cultivate BT cotton in place of rice

27 Apr, 2009

Despite bumper production of rice in the current fiscal year farmers were not able to get proper price rate in return, were compelled to sell their yield at throw away prices and the disappointed farmers therefore, have decided to cultivate BT cotton instead of rice in future.
Well-placed sources disclosed this here on Sunday. According to the sources, in the year 2008-09 due to severe attacks of mealy bug virus on cotton, farmers had cultivated rice. The rice production target last year was set as 5.6 million tonnes but record bumper production of about 6.3 million tonnes could not bring fruitful result.
The government had fixed the rate of rice as Rs1500 per 40 kg but due to bumper crop, farmers were not able to get even Rs1000 per 40 kg. This situation was very depressing for the farmers, therefore this year the sale of rice seed has declined to a record level, as farmers have shown their interest to cultivate BT cotton instead of rice.

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