Senators concerned over PIA pilots-management 'perks deal'

28 Apr, 2009

Senators on Monday took strong exception of recent raise in flying hours to PIA pilots and referred the matter to Senate standing committee on defence for investigation. Speaking at a point of order Senator Raza Rabbani said that giving raise to the PIA only would be economic murder for other PIA employees.
He said that the PIA pilots are getting Rs 600,000 salaries per month, while the engineers and cabin crews other staff are paid below 15,000. He said that if PIA management wants to give raise, it should increase the salaries of other staff too. "Why the government is giving raise to PIA pilots as they already get high salaries. This is the government of people and we do not accept this at any cost," he maintained. He said that it is a secret deal between PIA pilots and its management and it should be brought into light.
Senator Mushahidullah termed the deal as a conspiracy. "The current PIA MD is a captain, who has no experience in administration, as a result the other staff suffered and only pilots are benefited", he added. Minister for Defence Ahmad Mukhtar said that no secret deal was taken place between PIA management and pilots. "If you want to see the deal, it is open for everybody and the senate committee can call the PIA management for explanation at any time", he added.

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