Country achieved self-sufficiency in wheat: Senate informed

28 Apr, 2009

Federal Minister for Food and Agriculture, Nazar Muhammad Gondal has said that the country had achieved self-sufficiency in wheat, and it could become wheat exporting country after this year''s bumper crop. Gondal was speaking in Senate after the house concluded discussion on a motion moved by Kalsoom Perveen on the agricultural policy.
The mover pointed out that announcement of a new agricultural policy was over due and this should be finalised at the earliest. She called for steps to encourage local production of agricultural inputs and prevention of its smuggling. Winding the debate, the minister said that the government could not build big water reservoirs.
However, a number of small dams would be constructed to overcome water scarcity in the country. A draft bill concerning pesticides'' prices is lying with the law ministry for witting. He said that wheat has been sown over an area of about 9 billion hectares, largely because of increase in the procurement price that encouraged farmers to grow more wheat.
Abdul Rahim Mandokhel said the government should provide subsidy to the agriculture sector for the benefit of the farmers and the poor. He said this is also done by our neighbouring countries. He demanded that all outstanding agriculture loans in Balochistan should be written off.
Naeem Hussain Chatha said production of agricultural commodities can be increased if policies are framed considering agriculture as an industry. Gulshan Saeed referred to the growing water shortage and said Pakistan should seriously take up the issue of violation of Indus Water Treaty (IWT) with India.
Maulana Muhammad Khan Sheerani proposed introduction of Aabyana Scheme in Balochistan like other provinces. Zafar Ali Shah warned that India had built various dams in violation of Indus treaty. Musharraf''s government had committed a criminal negligence by allowing India to build dams like Baglihar and Kishan Ganga. He warned that next war with India would be fought mainly over water disputes.
Leader of the Opposition Wasim Sajjad proposed setting up of agro-based industries in the country and asked the government to establish a national policy board for this purpose. Professor Muhammad Ibrahim Khan said the country can save precious foreign exchange by developing its agriculture.
Abdul Khaliq Pirzada said steps should be taken to ensure timely payment of crops to the farmers. Haji Muhammad Adeel said the country produces a variety of crops and fruits but regretted that there was no arrangement for their grading for export purposes.
Maulana Abdul Ghafoor Haideri called for giving more incentives to farmers and observed that Pakistan''s agriculture would be affected by construction of Bagliar Dam by India. Begum Najma Hameed emphasised the need for uninterrupted supply of electricity for development of industry and agriculture. Humayun Khan said greater attention should be paid to cotton and development of agriculture in Balochistan.

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