Brown discusses political, other issues with Nawaz

28 Apr, 2009

British Prime Minister Gordon Brown on Monday called on PML-N chief and former Prime Minister Nawaz Sharif and discussed political situation and other issues of mutual importance. The British Prime Minister Gordon Brown paid a courtesy call on Pakistan Muslim League-N Quaid Muhammad Nawaz Sharif here in Islamabad at Punjab House.
During the course of their 40-minute meeting, the two leaders exchanged views on a number of issues of common interest to both countries. The British Prime Minister spoke highly of the role of political parties especially PML-N in Pakistan in the restoration of democracy and the rule of law. In this context, he gave an assurance that Britain would always extend its support and assistance to the people and government of Pakistan in their efforts to strengthen the institutions of democracy.
The British PM lauded the role and contribution of British citizens of Pakistani origin who have greatly enriched Britain by dint of their hard work, enterprising spirit and imagination.
The PML-N Quaid on this occasion thanked the British Prime Minister Gordon Brown for Britain's friendship for Pakistan and in particular, its strong support on bilateral as well as multilateral issues especially in the context of Pakistan's relationship with the European Union. While appreciating Britain's understanding of this region, the Pakistan Muslim League-N Quaid urged Prime Minister Brown to use his influence with the United States to urge on the latter to end its policy of drone attacks on Pakistani territories.
Furthermore, the PML-N Quaid pointed out that the drone attacks were strengthening anti-American sentiments in Pakistan and emphasised that such attacks would be counter-productive in the long run.
Nawaz Sharif pointed out that the overwhelming majority of Pakistanis were opposed to extremism and militancy especially as there was no sanction for violence in Islam. The current problems in Pakistan however, needed to be seen in the context of the long years of military rule and denial to the people of their fundamental democratic rights.
The PML-N Quaid also urged on the British Prime Minister not to permit the recent unfortunate incident relating Pakistani students in Britain to affect the excellent historical relations between the two countries. He hoped that the cases of these students would be judged on merit of their case rather than on mere suspicion or on media speculations.

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