Pakistan proud to showcase strength at Shanghai Expo 2010: Masood Khan

29 Apr, 2009

Terming the day as important day for Pakistan for Sino-Pak friendship as well as for Shanghai Expo-2010, Ambassador Masood Khan said that his country was proud to showcase its strengthen by participating in next year's mega exposition to be held in China's economic hub.
Ambassador Khan, who is also Commissioner General for the Pakistan Pavilion for Expo 2010, made these remarks at a function to mark the ground breaking ceremony of Pakistan pavilion here Tuesday. At Shanghai Expo 2010, Ambassador Khan said, "Pakistan will showcase its strength and learn from China and other countries about how to manage cities, how to build industry and how to create harmonious and cohesive citizenry".
"We are grateful to the management of the Shanghai Expo 2010 for giving us such a privileged and prestigious location next to the Chinese Pavilion", the Ambassador said. He said that Shanghai is the most appropriate economic hub to host this exposition. The city's economic prowess, the dynamism of its people, and the vision of its leadership makes it the most suitable venue to propagate the theme of 'Better City, Better Life'.
Ambassador Khan said that his country has small and large cities. It has metropolises, cities, and townships. Every city has the challenge to create harmony within diversity and this is the theme that Pakistan's Pavilion would display and demonstrate.
Pakistan, Ambassador Khan said, has weathered the storm of the international financial crisis. We have not only averted economic crisis but also our key sectors' manufacturing and agriculture has shown immense resilience and strength.
"Our economy is bouncing back. Remittances to Pakistan this year have increased. Shanghai EXPO 2010 will, thus, give us an opportunity to share the narrative of our economic recovery with the rest of the world and to demonstrate our inherent cultural strengths", Khan observed.
Pakistan and China enjoy an all-weather and time-tested friendship, Khan said adding that President Asif Ali Zardari and Premier Wen Jiabao met in Sanya on 18 April. Khan said that both leaders agreed that development of Pakistan-China relations was a priority of their foreign policies. Both countries would continue to play their constructive role to promote regional peace and stability and would increase bilateral co-operation in economy, trade, finance, and security.
"As a developing country, we are proud that Expo 2010 will take place in China. We are confident that this will be the largest ever and the most successful exposition in the world", he said. He said "we are so happy that the international financial crisis has had no adverse impact on Shanghai EXPO. If anything, this crisis has been taken was a challenge by hosts and participants. Shanghai Expo itself will become a stimulus package to enhance demand, growth and jobs.
As targeted, more than 70 million will visit the EXPO next year". Khan said that we are grateful to Deputy Commissioner General of Pakistan Pavilion and CEO Far East Oriental Trading Company (FEOTC) Abdul Wahid for making untiring efforts for today's groundbreaking ceremony and for making all the preparations for the construction of this Pavilion. His able son and assistant Asad Wahid have been the backbone of this endeavour.
The Ambassador said that we are most grateful of Acting Consul General Mahmood Akthar Mahmood, for providing necessary facilitation and support, but most importantly we are grateful to the Chinese hosts and particularly, Wu Yunfei, the Deputy Director General for being with us as we perform this ground breaking ceremony.

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