Upholding workers' rights mandatory for national uplift, says Shahbaz

29 Apr, 2009

Punjab Chief Minister, Muhammad Shahbaz Sharif has said that honour is as important as economic prosperity and there is need for upholding rights and dignity of labourers and workers. He expressed his views while addressing the functions held in connection with 'World Day for Safety and Health at Work' and '90th anniversary of International Labour Organisation' (ILO) here on Tuesday.
Moreover, he added that it was the responsibility of industrialists, entrepreneurs and landlords to take effective measures for the welfare of workers and their families so that they could play their due role for the progress of the country. He said that it was the duty of the ruling classes to safeguard the interests of labourers so that they were not compelled to protest and strikes.
He said that provision of socio-economic justice to the people was the top priority of the government and all available resources would be utilised for the uplift of the poor masses. The social justice and national development could not be achieved without paying due attention to health and safety of workers, adding that the problems of labourers and workers should be resolved through purposeful negotiations between labour, entrepreneur and the state.
He said that trend of protest and agitation has become part of past as the country could no longer afford such activities. He averred that Pakistan was facing grave internal and external threats and extremism and terrorism were posing serious law and order problems.
He said that there was a need for rising about personal interests and ensuring social and economic justice otherwise there could be a bloody revolution. All measures to promote and develop industrial sector, trade and education sectors would be meaningless without maintenance of law and order, he stressed. Appreciating the services of ILO for the maintenance of balanced relations between labour and entrepreneur as well as provision of healthy working conditions, he said that ILO was promoting the culture of increasing productive capacity as well as production. He said that Pakistan was created for the purpose of setting up an Islamic welfare society where rights of the people were upheld in the light of the principles of Quaid-e-Azam Muhammad Ali Jinnah and Poet and philosopher Allama Mohammad Iqbal.
He said that manual labour was the profession of the prophets, therefore, it was the responsibility of industrialists and entrepreneur that workers should be paid their dues before their sweat was dry. The chief minister further said that workers were a precious asset and the builders of the country, adding that Punjab government had allocated a lion's share of the budget for the poor masses as they had the greatest right on the resources.
He said that those criticising 'Sasti Roti' scheme of Punjab government were enemies of the poor and it was a fact that workers, widows and destitute persons were fully benefiting from this programme.
Furthermore, the chief minister asked labour leaders to extend their full support to Punjab government regarding 'Sasti Roti' Programme and submit their proposals for its improvement as well as constitute their own committees, adding that government would provide flour to these committees. He said that Tandoors of Sasti Roti were being set up in industrial areas, hospitals, railway stations and Katchi Abadies for the benefit of the deserving people. He said that the programme of provision of free medicines in hospitals was being extended throughout the province so that free treatment facilities could be ensured to the labourers, workers as well as poor people across the province.
On the occasion he assured that he would talk to the federal government for the implementation of the announcement of minimum monthly wage of rupees six thousand for labourers as well as the solution to the problems of Wapda employees.
He said that government was committed to removing disparity from the society as it would be a grave injustice if the children of the rich could avail educational facilities in prestigious educational institutions while those of the poor were deprived of such opportunities, therefore, Punjab government had set up Punjab Educational Endowment Fund (EEF) for this purpose with the amount of Rs two billion and this amount would be increased by Rs two billion each year.
The chief minister doubled the quota of the talented children of workers from Punjab EEF. In response to the demand of workers regarding regularising the services of contract employees of Communication & Works Department, the chief minister ordered to set up of a committee, which would submit its recommendations in this regard within seven days.
He said that Bashir Bakhtiar was a great labour leader who had played an important role for the progress of the country while General Secretary of Pakistan Workers Federation Khurshid Khan was a sincere and patriotic Pakistani.
Country Director of ILO in Pakistan Donglin Li on the occasion said that world peace depends upon the social justice and economic development. He said that ILO was striving for the health and safety of workers of the whole world. Head of Employees Federation of Pakistan Ashraf W Tabani said that the purpose of celebration of this day was to save industrial workers from mishaps and diseases.
The ceremony was also addressed by the President LCCI, Mian Muzaffar Ali; General Secretary Pakistan Workers Federation Khurshid Khan, who said that protection of rights of the workers and provision of facilities to them was necessary for industrial development. The chief minister also gave away awards on behalf of ILO to different private organisations for their outstanding services.

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