Staff's contribution towards smooth supply of electricity lauded

01 May, 2009

Chief Executive Pesco Muhammad Qasim Khan has said that staffs of the company are precious asset who are rendering remarkable services to keep smooth and uninterrupted power supply to the consumers and provision of electricity to every nook and corner of the province.
In his message on "May Day", he paid rich tributes to the workers who sacrificed their lives while discharging their professional duties and prayed for the departed souls of the martyrs.
He also paid rich tribute to the May Day martyrs who had sacrificed their lives for labour rights and welfare. He urged Pesco's staff to follow the examples set by martyrs of May Day and served the nation and the company with dedication, zeal and national spirit so that the company and the country could be put on the path of success and prosperity.
He also urged the Pesco's officials to use all their energies in order to reduce the line losses and enhance recovery so that Pesco could be made a profitable company, and their grievances could be redressed. Chief Executive Pesco emphasised to curb the 'kunda' culture from the society because illegal use of electricity is the root cause of Pesco's deficit, increase of line losses.
He urged to create awareness among the public in this regard and get public co-operation to curb the misuse of electricity from the province. Chief Executive Pesco Muhammad Qasim Khan urged the field officers to get public co-operation to overcome the energy crisis, and customers must be convinced to conserve energy. He appealed the customers to conserve energy in larger national interest.
Muhammad Qasim Khan eulogised the performance of Pesco's workers and said that due to their dint of hard work Pesco has succeeded to reduce its line losses and enhance its recovery during last months and it was only possible due to workers hard work and dedication with their profession. He directed the officials to work with same zeal and spirit so that company could be put on the path of success. The Pesco administration has taken number of steps for the welfare and betterment of workers.
In recognition of the services of the Pesco's workers who had sacrificed their lives, their son's have been recruited in various disciplines under employee's son quota. He told that employees of lower grades in various disciplines had been promoted in the recent past, while various steps are also being taken for the welfare of the workers and this process will continue in future also.

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