TDAP to send trade team to South Korea and Japan

01 May, 2009

Trade Development Authority of Pakistan (TDAP) will send a trade delegation to explore South Korean and Japanese markets in the middle of the May, sources in the Lahore office of the TDAP told Business Recorder on Thursday. Sources said that eight member delegation of the Sialkot Chamber of Commerce and Industry will go to the South Korea and Japan.
They said that the delegation would stay five days in South Korea and five days in Japan. The TDAP is arranging these visits on the instructions of the Chief Executive TDAP Syed Mohibullah Shah to explore the international markets for Pakistani products. Sources said that such delegations help a lot in boosting the national exports especially in the prevailing law and order situation when foreigners were hesitant to come to Pakistan.
It would help our industrialists and exporters to tap the potential of these markets and evaluate what could they export to these countries and earn precious foreign exchange for their country. "There is a dire need to find new markets. Countries in Asia are promising markets that have not been explored as yet. Entering into these markets will increase exports manifolds", sources said.

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