'Time management can help in resolving mothers problems'

01 May, 2009

The disturbed lives of mothers, badly affected by upbringing problems of children, home affairs and other responsibilities, can be made smooth by just following some rules of Time Management, said a research report of US organisation Moms Lifeline released in connection with upcoming Mother's Day.
The organisations conducted its research on the growing problems being faced by mothers emerged due to fast paced lifestyle. While suggesting giving training to the mothers for time management, the report outlined eight principles for the mothers to follow upon to get managed their time schedule.
The report recommends mothers to write down things to do on a list, and plan your day as a first step. It went on saying, "Teach your older children to wash and dress the younger ones instead of engaging you. Take time out to do your exercises. Do them with your children."
The report says that mom should be prepared to change their plans in case of emergency and it will be better to have alternate plans to avoid wasting time. "It will be better not to ignore problems, but tackle them head on as it wastes time." The experts suggest that mothers should take out time to get relaxed or enjoy reading a good book which will make you feel better. They view that if a work can be done by any other member of the family then mother should avoid taking the work in her hand.
Last but not least recommendation for the mothers is to take care of them, which not only keep you mentally and physically healthy but also be helpful in complying your time management schedule. The report concludes that compliance of a time schedule is an important factor for mothers to get acknowledgement from their family and other segments of the society.

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