PFUJ expresses complete solidarity with workers

01 May, 2009

The Pakistan Federal Union of Journalists has expressed complete solidarity with the workers of the entire globe and emphasised the need to speed up efforts for the welfare of working classes in all societies irrespective of any discrimination and prejudice.
"There is dire need for consolidated attempts and reforms for the respect of workers and professions in society in according to international standards, code of conducts and ILO conventions. Labour Day commemorates the historic struggle of working people throughout the world for their rights and respect of their professions in all regards," PFUJ said in a press release on International Labour Day.
PFUJ vow to continue its struggle for implementation of 7th wage award for the media workers as it is a basic right to get reward of their toil in according to recognised standards but it is unfortunate that issue has been unsettled for last many years, authorities and media owners are intentionally ignoring the basic right of media workers.
"PFUJ a federal union of working journalists of Pakistan will continue its struggle against the non implementation of 7th wage award; it is massive violation of basic rights of media workers. It is duty of government to take notice of infringement against media workers. Journalists' community is not getting the true price of their labour. There is huge insecurity for jobs in media organisations. Non implementation is simply the biggest reason for exploitation of workers of the media going unnoticed for last many years," said PFUJ.
PFUJ also demanded to stop recent massive scale retrenchment of journalists and media workers from media organisations on the name of so called economic recession. "It is another brutal act being perpetrated against media community through termination of large scale workers without mentioning any reason and notice. It will lead to anarchy among media workers.
Although unemployment is an international challenge but recent sacking from print and electronic media will add fuel to fire as journalists are the direct victims of so called economic slump in media organisations. Media organisation should immediately halt sacking of journalists and reinstate all deposed journalists so journalists can keep on working confidently and vigorously for freedom of expression and rule of law in country," PFUJ demand.
International Labour Day is moment to reiterate commitment to continue struggle for each labourer of the country. PFUJ express solidarity with every worker of all professions and make pledge to continue struggle for the workers of media and freedom of media. PFUJ ensure media workers that it will never leave workers in dismay and struggle will continue for restoration of respect of each worker without any discrimination.
PFUJ also call to make changes in Labour laws in according with ILO recommendations, abolition of contract system and restore the rights of the workers for pensions, gratuity and other fringe benefits.

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