Message from President, Islamic Republic of Pakistan

02 May, 2009

Present government will not abandon, the peasants, the fisher folk and the wage earners in their struggle for emancipation and freeing themselves from the shackles of exploitation. Both Shaheed Zulfiqar Ali Bhutto and Shaheed Mohtarma Benazir Bhutto believed that the PPP derived its strength from the working classes of Pakistan and they always fought for their rights and well being.
The present government continues to be inspired and guided in ameliorating the lot of workers by the policy principles laid down in the Manifesto by the Shaheed leaders. The restoration in service of the sacked workers through legislation, the replacement of the anti labour legislation the IRO 2002 with a pro-labour law, the restoration of trade union activities, the plans to build 80,000 housing units for the labour, enhancing the minimum wage to 6,000 rupees per month, increasing the workers' share in the profit and increasing and universalising marriage grants to all workers are some of the steps taken by the present government.
Never before perhaps so much was done for the labour in such a short span of time as has been done by the present government. These measures are a manifestation of conscious efforts by the present government to restore to the labour and the working classes their dignity and their rights.
These will always be remembered. A disenchanted labour is one of the causes of low productivity and industrial unrest. All the political forces should join hands in national interest in improving the lot of the working classes and protecting them from exploitation. I also pay tributes to the Chicago martyrs for their struggle against oppressive socio-economic system a century ago.

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