Safety of Nuclear: foreign office refutes Financial Times report

03 May, 2009

Pakistan on Saturday categorically refuted the report that the country's military and civil authorities share its secrets about the nuclear program with the western countries in a bid to motivate them that Pakistan's nuclear assets are in safe hands and out of hard-liner militants' approach.
Regarding a report entitled 'Pakistan shares nuclear secrets', published in Financial Times on April 30, Foreign Office spokesman Abdul Basit termed it as totally baseless. He said that no such briefing ever took place in Foreign Office regarding nuclear assets.
He added that Pakistan's strategic assets are absolutely safe, given the robust multi-layered Command and Control system. He underscored that any concern over the safety of the strategic assets was unfounded.
PAKISTANI SIKHS: The spokesman, responding to India's concern about the Sikh families living in the country, said that they are citizens of Pakistan and any country, including India, should not express its concern about them.
He said that India was told that Sikhs living in Orakzai agency were Pakistani citizens and hence it was a matter of no concern to India. The government of Pakistan, he said, was fully cognisant of the situation, and looks after the welfare of all its citizens, particularly the minority community.

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