IN SHORT: Painter David Hockney reveals new medium - his iPhone

04 May, 2009

British painter David Hockney revealed on April 30 that how he uses his iPhone to paint pictures, as a new exhibition of works he produced on his computer opened in London. "I like to draw flowers by hand on the iPhone and send them out to friends so they get fresh flowers.
And my flowers last! They never die!" he told the Evening Standard newspaper. "Whoever would have thought that the telephone would bring back drawing?" the 71-year-old said, adding that the trick to making it work was to "stroke the screen very softly."
Hockney, considered one of the best artists of his generation, said improvements in technology meant computers were now responsive enough to allow artists to draw as freely as they would on a page. A collection of new works he has created on his computer, entitled "Drawing In A Printing Machine" and including 10 landscapes and 18 portraits, is on show at London's Annely Juda gallery until July 11.

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