Apca office-bearers demand raise in salaries

08 May, 2009

All Pakistan Clerks Association (Apca) office-bearers on Thursday called upon the government to revise their salaries commensurate with the price hike. District President Apca Yasin Shahzad said that price hike had raised the cost of living thus their salaries ought to be raised accordingly.
He welcomed the raise in salaries of the police personnel and judiciary's lower staff and said all low-scale government servants must benefit from that raise. District Senior Vice President Apca Abdur Rauf Chandia, General Secretary Mumtaz Ahmed Kharal and District Liaison Committee Chairman Tanvir Hussain Gillani said it was hard to make both ends meet in the face of ever increasing inflation.
They stressed upon the need to rationalise their pay structure vis-a-vis that of Police depart-ment and judiciary saying, "Discrimination would only affect the performance of the officialdom as a sense of injustice and deprivation would prevail among the government servants of other departments."

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