Government determined to protect minorities' rights: Qaim

09 May, 2009

Minorities are important part of our society and Constitution of the land provides equal and full rights to all citizens including minorities. "Government of Sindh is fully determined to protect the rights of all groups of minorities," Chief Minister Sindh Syed Qaim Ali Shah said while presiding over a meeting of Sindh Minorities Department at Chief Minister House on Friday.
Syed Qaim Ali Shah said that for prompt measures, full attention and early solution of the problems being faced by minority communities, a separate and full-fledged Sindh Minorities Department had been established.
He said that it was now responsibility of the department to work hard and bring proper and feasible schemes pertaining to repair & maintenance of places of worship of minorities, financial assistance to needy and poor people belonging to minority community, award of scholarship to poor intelligent and deserving students of minority communities and other welfare schemes of the community.
Chief Minister Sindh said that an amount of Rs 50 million was available for this purpose which must be utilised before end of financial year, for which proper schemes/proposals be prepared in consultation and consent or elected representatives and notables (MUKHEE) of the community.
Chief Minister Sindh further said that sufficient allocation will be made in the next fiscal budget, for which schemes, projects and proposals be sent early for inclusion in next ADP (2009-10).
He added that centre of worship belonging to minorities community will be fully protected while illegal occupations and encroachments, if any, would be got removed. He also informed that there were sufficient funds for Sindh province with Evacuee Trust Properties Board, so proper liaison be made with the Board.
Sindh Minister for Minorities Dr Mohal Lal and Secretary of the department Qabool Muhammad Shaikh informed the meeting that there were four million people belonging to minorities were residing in Sindh and maximum people belongs to Hindu, Christians, and Parsi communities. "The minorities are very happy on creation of the department, and expecting quick redressal of their grievances," they added.
They said that according to break-up, 50 per cent amount allocated for the department would be spent on maintenance and repairs of Mandirs etc, 25 per cent would be distributed as financial assistance to poor and needy people, 12.5 per cent for scholarship while 12.5 per cent would be spent on other programmes.
The meeting was attended among others by Chief Secretary Sindh Fazalur Rehman, Additional Chief Secretary (P&D) Nazar Hussain Mahar, Secretary to Chief Minister Sindh Syed Sohail Akber Shah, Secretary Finance Fazllullah Pechuho, Secretary Zakat, Ushar Malik Israr and Director Minorities Gul Hassan Channa.

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