Mirpur to have first public sector FM radio soon

09 May, 2009

Mirpur, AJK largest model city, would soon have its first public sector FM Radio by Pakistan Broadcasting Corporation (PBC) which would start transmitting programmes of general interest in the near future, official sources said. Swift preparations are afoot by the authorities for installation of FM-93 radio in the town, the sources said.
"PBC-sponsored FM-93 radio will start broadcasting its special transmission any time in the near future from the premises of Azad Kashmir Radio Mirpur station" sources added. The sources said that FM studios are being set up at the Broadcasting House of AJK Radio Mirpur where required transmitter and other equipment are reaching soon.
The installation of the FM radio at Mirpur is part of the government's endeavour and desire to provide the programmes of entertainment and information to the people of the remote areas side by side with the urban areas of the country including AJK.
Brisk preparations are afoot for the completion of the FM radio project with in the stipulated time frame, first of its own kind in the public sector in Mirpur. The 192-feet high FM radio mast has already been installed in the premises of the Mirpur Radio Station.
The programmes of entertainment, besides other informatory programmes, are proposed to be brought on air by the FM-93. Azad Kashmir Radio Mirpur bringing on air its routine transmissions on its stipulated 100 kilowatt strength covering a vast area of the country besides the occupied Jammu Kashmir.
Meanwhile, Station Director Azad Kashmir Radio Mirpur Muhammad Shakeel said that Mirpur Radio station has launched various special attractive current affairs programmes for the interest of the general listeners including a programme for youth, radio press conference depicting the problems of the general public and their proposed solutions as well as an exclusive children programme titled Honahaar.
Since its inception from September 30, 2002 AJK Radio Mirpur is bringing its daily formal transmissions on air comprising attractive informatory and entertainment programmes in Gojri, Pahari, Kashmiri and Urdu languages including the news and current affairs programmes in an excellent manner.

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