Current political setup designed by US, says Sherpao

10 May, 2009

Former Interior Minister, Aftab Ahmed Khan Sherpao has said that the US has designed Pakistan's current political setup on a track, which the government is running the country. Head of PPP (S), Sherpao said in an interview that President Asif Zardari is worst than Musharraf as he is few steps ahead of him to please the US.
'Continuation of the drone attacks is the real proof of the continuation of previous policies,' he said. 'The People elected this government just to reject the policies of former President Musharraf, but policies are still the same,' he said.
Regarding the former President he said that Musharraf's seven point agenda was a fake drama.' Further, 'After the 9/11 attacks, Musharraf made all the decisions by himself and political government couldn't support him for that reason,' he added.
Sherpao also said that assassination of Nawab Akbar Bugti and operation in Balochistan really destroyed the writ of the government and the former President alone took these decisions. To a question about the Lal Masjid operation, he said the Government took this decision after waiting for four months and mosque people had directly challenged writ of the government.
'Musharraf made all bad deeds just to prolong the period of his rule and we supported him just to take Pakistan back from dictatorship to democracy. If we didn't pass 17th resolution then it may lead Pakistan to pure dictatorship,' Sherpao said.
Replying to a question about operation in Swat and Buner, he was of the opinion that army itself started operation and they have no political support. 'The drama, which is being played in tribal area and Balochistan is very dangerous and it may lead Pakistan towards destruction. There is a trust deficit between federal and provincial government,' he said.
'Swat operation is basically a gift by the President in his visit to the US and in return the US approved some money for the country,' he said. The PPP (S) leader accused the Government of playing havoc with the masses. Replying to a question regarding NWFP government he said, 'ANP has completely failed to control the situation and killings of Pakhtoons are increasing day by day and credit goes to Pakhtoons that they are still not demanding disintegration in Pakistan.'
'We have to remove the miseries of Balochis, as our constitution gives freedom to every province, therefore the federal government should give this right to Balochistan. Further, Sherpao stated that the Government should resolve the security situation of Pakistan, otherwise all the foreign investment will finish soon and economic crisis will rise as well.

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