Sajid Mir sees foreign hands in disturbances

11 May, 2009

Senator Professor Sajid Mir has alleged that foreign hands were trying to create disturbance in Swat and Balochistan through subversive activities. Paid agents of India, America and Israel were active and busy in creating disorder for their personal gains in Pakistan, he added.
Addressing a news conference here on Sunday afternoon he said that it was unfortunate that present government was hesitating and reluctant in naming Indian, Israeli and American agencies in the involvement in creating turmoil due to unknown reasons. He disclosed that India was providing men, money and most sophisticated arms and ammunition to the infiltrators for creating disturbance in Pakistan.
He said that American government was deceiving Pakistan in the name of friendship because it was supplying the ultra modern weapons to its paid agents whereas it was hoodwinking Pakistan. He called for activating the intelligence agencies in disturbed areas to unearth the undercover agents, which were posing serious threats for Pakistan.
Under the prevailing situation government should concentrate on strengthening the national economy because strong economy was the key instrument of a strong government, he said. He urged upon the political leaders and other persons who looted the national exchequer brutally should bring back the looted money for making Pakistan economically and physically powerful.
At this critical juncture the forging of unity among the nation has become more imperative for protecting sovereignty, ideological and geographical fronts, he added and underscored the need of unity among all the religious parties for tackling the challenges confronted by Pakistan.
He said that apart from this, Indian government was openly violating all international agreements especially Indus Water Treaty but Pakistan government has totally failed in taking up the issue of blocking of river Chenab water with India. The Senator was of the opinion that government should adopt a far-reaching approach for protecting the agriculture sector of the country.
At this grave juncture there was a dire need of a strong government for bringing out the country out of foreign pressure and settle the issues with India on the bases of equality, Sajid Mir said.

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