Najamuddin urges people to donate funds for IDPs

22 Jun, 2009

Federal Minister for States and Frontier Regions, Najamuddin Khan has urged national and international communities to donate relief assistance generously to the Internally Displace Persons (IDPs) of NWFP to encourage them to face bravely the challenge of displacement and its other related problems.
Commenting on women's role to come forward and help the needy people in the need of hour here on Sunday, the minister in a statement appreciated the donation of one million dollar given by Hollywood couple Brad Pitt and Angelina Jolie from their Jolie-Pitt Foundation to the dislocated people form Swat.
The minister thanked the stars for extending help to the Pakistanis in the need of hour and urged the non-government organisations to follow the example of the foundation and help dislocated people generously.
The Federal Minister commended the decision of Women Parliamentarians Caucus (WPC) to adopt one camp of dislocated people for the relief and rehabilitation activities and WPC's announcement of hefty amount of donations for instant relief for Women and Children in dislocated people's camps besides announcement of adoption of 10 children.
The minister said that the Women Parliamentarians are working for a noble cause to save the humanity as the dislocated people sacrificed their present for the future of the country.
Najamuddin khan said all the people who left their homes for the safety of the country needs all possible attention but the women and children need more care as they always suffer more during calamities and turmoil.

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