Opposition criticises raise in LEAs' funds

23 Jun, 2009

The opposition benches came hard on the Punjab government for failing to fulfil its commitments made in the Punjab Budget 2008-09 and they believed that under utilisation of Annual Development Programme (ADP) for the ongoing fiscal year tantamount to bad governance.
During the budget discussion in the Punjab Assembly on Monday, the opposition benches were also critical of enhancement of funds for the law enforcement agencies, since, they believed, this has not improved the efficiency of the police. In fact, in the recent past many innocent people have lost lives in the hands of the police under the guise of 'police encounter' and brutal 'thana' culture still persists.
Mohsin Leghari, a Q-League legislator, reminded the House that many projects, announced in the last budget, were still waiting to be executed. He pointed out that in his last year budget speech, Punjab Finance Minister Tanvir Ashraf Kiara announced formation of Price Control Boards, provision of homes to homeless people and 12 acre of land to small farmers, but these schemes were limited to the speech, as nothing was done on the ground.
He also reminded the Punjab Finance Minister of promises he made of establishing centers of excellence and providing free transport to students belonging to poor families, but it still to see the daylight and it seems that the Minister does not honour his promises. He continued that the last budget also envisage to run air-conditioned public transport in major cities of Punjab, but after a lapse of one year, not a single air-conditioned bus is plying on the road.
"The Finance Minister also committed in his last year budget speech of setting up power plants with the capacity of 350 mega watts, but again the project was limited to the speech, as not a single mega watt was added in FY-2008-09. Same treatment was meted out to health insurance, reforms in prisons, establishment of cold storages, expansion of emergency services to other districts," he added.
Mohsin Leghari refuted the claim of the government of presenting a tax-free budget. He said if it is a tax-free budget then why the tax revenue target has been increased from Rs 8 billion to Rs 49 billion, agri tax from Rs 600 million to Rs 1.1 billion, motor vehicle tax from Rs 1.4 billion to Rs 2.6 billion, entertainment tax from Rs 15 million to Rs 77 million, toll tax from Rs 500 million to Rs 1.1 billion, property tax from Rs 5 billion to Rs 10.550 billion, indirect taxes from 15.107 billion to Rs 28.850 billion and documentation tax from Rs 2.14 billion to Rs 3.776 billion.
He also pointed out that the government has doubled cotton fee and still claim that it is a tax-free budget. According to him, the government's promises differed from its actions. The same government that placed ban on transfer and posting of government officials violated it by posting five District Co-ordination Officers. Despite the ban of purchase of new vehicles, the government bought 100 vehicles for government officials.
Moonis Elahi, MPA and a leader of Q-League, also strongly criticised the lavish expenses incurred by the Punjab Chief Minster secretariat in the concluding financial year and pointed out the gross financial anomalies in the new budget. He said Punjab government's failure in controlling the lavish expenses of the CM secretariat was a glaring proof of this government's in competency in managing the budget of the entire province.
He pointed out that the approved last year's budget of the CM secretariat was around Rs 120 million but instead Rs 270 million was spent, thus burdening the provincial exchequer with an additional Rs 150 million. He also criticised the government for decreasing funding of education sector by Rs 10 billion and using this money to foot the CM's plane and chopper flying bills and similar other extra constitutional expenses.
According to him, the Shahbaz government's anti-education policies had resulted in a steep decline of the provincial literacy and enrolment rates. He remarked that the misuse of power and resources by the rulers was equivalent to murdering and depriving the innocent. He was highly critical of the use of Zakat and Bait ul mal funds for the fraudulent "sasti roti politics". Had subsidy on wheat been offered instead of spending million on the promotion and publicity of the 'sasti roti' the entire population of the province could have enjoyed a cheaper 'chappati'.
He reminded the house of the promises of eliminating poverty and observing austerity made by the Shahbaz government at their outset and pointed out at their dismal performance resulting in wide spread poverty and hunger in the province. He said this budget was an incomplete financial document and therefore not a budget but a report of the extravagant expenses.
A member of opposition benches, Khaidja Umar said the government made tall claims last year and only 48 percent of the targets set in the Punjab Budget 2008-09 were met; this tantamount to bad governance. She urged for collective efforts and advised the government to end one-man show. She also urged the government to continue with "educated Punjab' programme, which was started by the previous government.
Other members of the opposition benches were also critical of the budget. They said new allocation for health sector was insufficient, as it was only Rs 2 per person and this amount does not even guarantee a 'roti'. They suggested for free education till intermediate and girls' college in rural areas.
Even from the treasury benches, some of legislators had a similar tone. Saghira Islam of PPP observed that the new budget did not cater to the need of the people, which was prepared in air-conditioned rooms. She pointed out that no measures have been taken to check accelerating prices of essential items and blamed the bureaucracy for making an incomplete budget. She advocated for 25 percent increase in salaries for government officials, since 15 percent was insufficient and would only benefit high salary drawers. She welcomed the increase in salaries of policemen, but they should also be directed to fulfil its job.
Raheela Khadim Hussian, a N-League legislator, suggested the government to increase funding for sport activities, since present Rs 1.6 billion was not enough. She was of the view that sports activities would make our youth healthy and would provide an avenue to release their frustrations. She also advocated imposing 25 percent tax cable services, which would increase government revenue.
Uzma Bokhari, the Parliamentary Secretary and a PPP MPA, urged the government to make the Food Support Programme transparent, on the line of Benazir Support Programme. She also advocated for giving soft loans through small industries department to women. She said it is imperative to promote cottage industries run by females; providing financial independence would translate in to women empowerment.
Tahir Ahmed Sindu of PML-N viewed increased budget for the police department with caution, as in his opinion this department does nothing for the civilians. He said there was a need to make amendments in the Police Order 2002 in order to make the police department more effective; and thus the Punjab government should take up the matter with the Federal government. He advocated for free import of agro-based machines.
However, other member of the treasury benches praised the budget and congratulated the government for presenting a people's budget. Later, Speaker Rana Mashud adjourned the House till Tuesday morning. After the conclusion of the discussion on the budget, the Punjab Finance Minister would give closing remarks on the discussion.

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