International Tripartite Labour Conference: Pakistan urged to amend labour laws

23 Jun, 2009

The International Tripartite Labour Conference has asked the government of Pakistan to amend its labour laws and industrial relations Act 2008 to bring them in conformity with ILO conventions ratified by Pakistan.
This was stated by General Secretary Pakistan Workers Federation and Workers' Member ILO Convention, Khurshid Ahmad here on Monday, who attended the ILO International Tripartite Labour Conference in Geneva.
He said the conference urged Pakistan to remove restrictions on the formation of trade unions by the agriculture workers, teachers and hospital workers, fire fighting and watch and ward and security staff, Pakistan Printing Press workers, bank workers under section 27/B of the Banking Companies Ordinance, and workers of Pakistan Mint.
The veteran labour leader said the conference had further called upon the government to reduce the list of public utilities and amend the Essential Service Act 1952 allowing the workers right of Collective Bargaining.
The Pakistan Workers Federation demanded that the proposed budget 2009-2010 should be amended in order to develop industries and agriculture for creating employment opportunities for 1.5 million young labour force entering into labour market every year and to restore subsidies on food and fuel and electricity.
He also called for adopting a national economic self-reliance policy and for reducing interest rate.
The Federation also demanded to raise minimum wages to at least Rs 10,000 per month for industrial workers and 50 percent increase in pay and pension of the government and semi-government employees including that of WAPDA, railways, postal, PWD, irrigation, banks and other autonomous bodies.

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