Indonesian shares ended 4.25 percent higher on Wednesday as a firmer rupiah and gains across Asian markets triggered bargain buying in most blue chips, dealers said. The Jakarta Composite Index gained 81.28 points to 1,995.67 in moderate trade. "We have lots of good catalysts such as the firmer rupiah and higher oil prices that propped up sentiment here," a trader told Dow Jones Newswires.
Higher oil prices inspired buying in commodity-related stocks, which account for almost 30 percent of total market capitalisation, he added. Coal miner Indika Energy jumped 17 percent to 2,375 rupiah, rival Bumi Resources rose 12 percent to 1,850 and nickel miner Aneka Tambang gained 11 percent to 2,050. The rupiah was stronger at 10,390 against the dollar compared with 10,525 at the last close.