Vision Asia is the Asian Football Confederation (AFC)'s grand plan for a continent-wide programme to raise the standards of football at all levels, said Vision Asia Director Brendan Menton, here on Thursday. At a presentation, here at FIFA Football House, Menton said the PFF is to focus on improving its administration, strengthening clubs and boosting development as part of the Vision Pakistan project to raise the standard of football in the country.
It may be mentioned that the AFC delegation, headed by Menton, will spent five days in Pakistan outlining a comprehensive programme for the development of Pakistani football. According to Chief Co-ordinator and former FIFA Referee Arif Siddiqui, the other members in team are: Imtiaz Rehman (Vision India Director), Dr Annathurai Ranganathan (Grassroots and Youth Department Development Officer), Ali Targholizadeh (Coaches Education) and Ameez Mohamed (Development Officer - Referees).