President Asif Ali Zardari on Thursday said that with hard work and dedication the Pakistani youth could surmount every challenge they might encounter. Speaking at a reception in honour of the Pakistan cricket team that won laurels for the country, President Zardari described them as "my young brave warriors of unity".
The President said if the youth of the country strictly adhere to the maxim of unity, faith and discipline, and continue to work hard and train rigorously they could succeed in every sphere of life. He said that after a long time the team's success gave him "a reason to smile". "There is no limit that we cannot achieve'" the president told the team, that is being acclaimed for lifting the spirits of the nation and has got a hero's welcome since its return to Pakistan.
He said the victory of the cricket team has brought joy for every Pakistani. "It is the one moment I have really rejoiced after the 'shahadat' of Mohtarama Benazir Bhutto," he said.
The President appreciated the magnificent victory in the Twenty20 World Cup at Lords as he warmly shook hands and handed them over their prizes. The President also give away awards of Rs one million each for Captain Younus and Shahid Afridi besides Rs 0.5 million each for other members of the team. "You have made the nation proud," he said before having a photo with the President.