Pakistan Telecommunication Company Ltd (PTCL) gave Rs three million cash prize to the national cricket team for winning T-20 World Cup. As per details, a ceremony was arranged in the honour of the Pakistan Cricket team here on Thursday in the presence of Chairman Pakistan Cricket Board Ijaz butt; President PTCL Walid Irshaid presented the cheque to the Captain Pakistan Cricket team Younis khan.
President PTCL Walid Irshaid, while congratulating the team on their outstanding performance said that this victory was an inspiration for the whole nation and PTCL would continue its uninterrupted support for the development of cricket in the country. Captain Younis khan and Shahid Afridi were presented Rs 0.5 million each, along with an amount of Rs 2 million for the whole team. Senior officials of PTCL Naveed Saeed, Mazhar Hussain, Muhammad Nehmatullah and Ali Qadir Gilani were also present on the occasion.-PR