An Anti Terrorist Court will resume the hearing of the former Prime Minister Benazir Bhutto assassination case here on Saturday. The case will come up for hearing before the Judge ATC No 1 Akram Awan on June 27. The Defence had completed the cross-examination of the Magistrate Chaudhry Taufeeq on the last date of hearing.
The Magistrate had recorded the confessional statements of five accused under the law. The accused that are in Adiala Jail are not being produced in the court due to security reasons. The accused include Aitraz Shah, Sher Zaman, Rafaqat, Hasnain Gul and Mufti Abdur Rashid. The suicide attack was allegedly planned by Taliban Commander Baitullah Masud. The accused Baitullah Masud has also been declared as Proclaimed Offender in the said case.