District and Sessions (D&S) Judge Lahore, Muhammad Mehmood Chaudhry, here on Saturday in different identical cases handed over the custody of children to their mothers after getting them recovered from their fathers. In first case, the judge handed over a two-year old Gohar Anjum to his mother Sajid Bano of Chung, Lahore. Sajida pleaded that her husband Shahbaz kicked her out of the house and kept the son in his custody.
She said the custody of the child being a minor should be awarded to her, as she was the natural guardian of her son. The judge got the child recovered from father's custody and sent him with his mother. In second case, one Sobia Malik of Shalimar Town prayed the court that her husband Khadim Hussain forced her to leave the house by beating her severely while detained her baby Adeel.
A bailiff on Saturday produced the child before court, which was handed over to his mother. The third case was an astounding of its kind wherein the judge got recovered a 10-year old girl from the custody of her parental grand father and mother on the application of girl's mother. The applicant Nasim Akhter pleaded that her daughter Tayyaba Asif was in illegal custody of her parental grand father/mother and they did not allow her to meet her daughter.
The judge summoned the grand father and mother in court who took a plea that the applicant soon after the birth of Tayyaba left her with them. They grew her up like their own real daughter and could not live without her. If Tayyaba was given to her mother, her education will be effected badly as her school was near to their house. However, the judge ordered that the girl would spend half period of her summer vacations with her mother and the rest with her grand father and mother.