'Dangerous' Jackson fan in Pakistan

28 Jun, 2009

Twenty-six year old Sonu Faisal alias Sonu Dangerous is a small-time artist in Karachi, who's made a name for himself with King-of-Pop inspired music and dance moves. And like all other ardent fans, the performer's death left him stunned. "I am really sad, he is my spiritual teacher, I was really inspired by him," said Sonu in an interview to a private channel.
"What moves, what music, such style, such compositions. People are still trying to learn his moves today." Sonu, who was born in Lahore in 1983, first saw Michael Jackson on a videotape at a friend's house. Since then, he's been hooked and has even mastered the signature 'Aw!' cry the youngest Jackson became so famous for. The young boy from Lahore first took up dancing and then singing, and released his debut album in 2007.
It was titled 'The Dangerous' and its title song 'Ashiq' (lover) was inspired by Jackson's 'Heartbreaker'. "It's difficult to dance and sing at the same time," he said while explaining why he admired Jackson's talent. "And then make a video in which you have the same moves, and then replicate it on stage live! You have to have stamina." Sonu has plans to go to the US soon to perform. "There is only one Michael Jackson but I have to keep his memory alive" he added.

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