'Seraiki province to help curb militancy in South Punjab'

01 Jul, 2009

The Federal Minister for Defence Production Sardar Abdul Qayyum Khan Jatoi made it clear that in order to eliminate militancy in South Punjab, the establishment of a Seraiki province was undoubtedly inevitable, with its head quarter in Multan.
He said that the final decision concerning the establishment of the new province would be taken by the Parliament, while democratic forces must respect the mandate of the masses.
The Seraiki people had again voiced their concern and demanded a separate "province status" for South Punjab, he said, adding that the Parliament has full powers to decide the thorny issue with reference to an amendment in the constitution for the establishment of the new province, besides changing its name from Bahawalpur to "Seraiki province". In view of larger interest of the masses, he said the establishment of the Seraiki province must be announced soon. The ongoing operation against the militants would end soon, successfully within two months, he added.

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