The Supreme Court on Wednesday refused to grant bail to two accused, who were arrested for their alleged role in suicide bombings at Abpara and F-8 markaz, Islamabad in 2007, which claimed several lives. A three-member bench of the apex court, comprising Chief Justice Iftikhar Muhammad Chaudhry, Justice Chaudhry Ijaz Ahmed and Justice Jawwad S Khawaja rejected the bail application of Fasial Mushtaq and Qasim Mushtaq.
Counsel for the petitioners told the court that there was no evidence against accused persons proving their involvement in the bomb attacks. He further requested the court for special medical treatment to Faisal Mushtaq as he is a patient of Tuberculosis, however, the court accepted the request and directed the jail authorities to make proper arrangement for medical treatment.
The Chief Justice observed that in the cases of suicide blasts it is difficult for the law enforcement agencies to collect concrete evidence certifying their role in the carnage. Fasial Mushtaq was arrested on 13 April, 2007, recovering a hand grenade along with two detonators from his possession. He was nominated as accused in F-8 markaz incident in identification parade, which was arranged at Faisalabad due to security risk.
The other accused Qasim Mushtaq was arrested from Islamabad after an FIR was registered against him at police station Bahrakaho for his alleged involvement in Abpara markaz blast. After hearing the arguments of the petitioners' counsel the apex court rejected the bail application. Earlier, the Islamabad High Court (IHC) had also rejected the bail application of the accused.