A clash took place between demonstrators and policemen outside Awami police station in Landhi No 04 for not registering a case against killers of two brothers on Monday. According to detail, two brothers identified as Rashid (38) and Sajid (32) sons of Sultan were killed by unknown armed men during robbery in a shop located in Landhi No 04.
The relatives of the deceased staged a protest demonstration against police for not registering an FIR against the killers involved in the case. The Awami police baton charged protesters and resorted to firing, when the angry people tried to damage public properties. The police also fired shells to disperse the mob. Many of protestors fell unconscious due to heavy shelling.
Taking note of the incident, Sindh Home Minister Dr Zulfiqar Mirza has suspended the police officials involved in the incident. He also issued directives to Capital City Police Officer (CCPO) Karachi Waseem Ahmed to hold an inquiry into the incident.
He also issued directions to CCPO Karachi for providing relief to the relatives of the deceased. DIG East Zaffar Abbas Bukhari has assured the bereaved family of registering case against the killers. He said that strict action will be taken against the police officials if found guilty.