"And say: Truth hath come and falsehood hath vanished away. Lo! falsehood is ever bound to vanish". (Al Quran 15: 17: 81). I pay tribute to Jaswant Singh for admitting and propagating the undying truth, via his recently launched book, "Jinnah, Partition of India-Independence".
It was not an easy task for him to unveil the truth, keeping in view his personal standing in Indian society. He had been associated with the religiously radical political party, BJP, for over three decades and had held, in the past, critical responsibilities in his party and in the Indian government.
He knew the price that he was going to pay for revealing the truth. He knew that his action would wreck the very ideological foundation of the BJP. He must be knowing of the unkind reaction of his own people. He must have thought a thousand times before make the book public. However, he chose to be resolute in upholding the truth, in the prevalent circumstances. I think his final decision will be written in golden words in the world history.
He has proved himself to be at the vanguard of eternal values. He researched like an unbiased scholar and assembled the courage to disclose the absolute truth. I would love to decorate my small library with his book. I wish the Government of Pakistan has the courage to appreciate him in different manners. He may be invited to visit our country as an official guest, he may be honoured with a civil award, making the import of his book duty-free, providing copies of his book in all government libraries. If our government fails to do so, he will live in the hearts of Pakistanis forever due to his outstanding deed.