Rains and the power situation

02 Sep, 2009

Its rainy season in the business hub and this usually implies an economic standstill in the city. This year is no different, with shops closing early and office workers leaving before the roads become impossible to maneuver on. The exact economic loss that occurs every monsoon season is hard to asses, but nearly three or four business days are lost every time a downpour occurs.
However, one may be slightly pleased to note that the KESC seems to be learning from its mistakes as the electricity situation was not quite as bad this time around compared to KESC's usual performance under bad weather conditions. Work being conducted on the drainage system in the city, may have had a hand in reducing the obstruction of power, as lesser pools of stagnant water were formed, causing less damage to wiring.
However, this is only the first step in a very long journey. Improvements have no doubt been made, but are reserved to certain localities. For a large number of the city's population, power outages still occurred and stagnant water still accumulated with its usual gusto.
Our local governments for the city and the cantonment boards were largely to thank for the mild improvements, but the dissolution of local government system will most likely bring things back to the Stone Age and the lumbering conditions that were present before this system was administered.
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