Ministry fails to complete water projects as per PC-I

09 Sep, 2009

The Ministry of Water and Power has reportedly failed to complete water projects in line with PC-I submitted to the Executive Committee of the National Economic Council (Ecnec) at the time of their approval, official sources told Business Recorder. According to the sources Chief Engineering Adviser/Chairman Federal Flood Commission, who is entrusted with reviewing progress on water projects, has painted a dismal picture.
The Chief Engineering Adviser says overall physical progress on Mangla Dam Raising Project is 92 percent against the target of 98 percent which is slow and need to be expedited.
According to him following works need immediate attention of the executing authority: (i) progress (percentage) of construction work on Panyam Dyke may be indicated as it appears to be lagging behind; (ii) progress of work on bridge over Bong Canal and Power House bypass road is on the slower side and needs to be expedited; and (c) progress of work on Dhangali Bridge need to be expedited.
Regarding Satpara Dam, the Chief Engineering Advisor is of the view that physical progress of the project is 80.30 percent against the target of 97 percent. He has recommended that Lot-IA (hydraulic and civil work) and Lot-2 (irrigation system) should be completed on time (December 2009) to avoid further extension and cost over runs.
Regarding Rainee Canal Project, it has been stated that overall physical progress of the project is 78 percent against the target of 92 percent which is slow and need to be expedited. The following works need immediate attention: a) contract RC-5A (RD18 to RD181); (b) contract RC-6A (RD181 to RD276); and (c) contract RC-7(RD276 to RD363). Physical progress on Kachi Canal Project is 51.40 percent against the target of 64.35 percent, showing substantial delay in completion due in June 2010. The works, which need immediate attention, are lining activity on section KC-4 (RD 106 to RD 531), structure works on section KC-4 (RD 106 to RD 531), structure works on section KC-6A (RD 1005 to RD 1166) Main Canal, works on section KC-6B (RD 1166 to RD 1322) 47 km main canal and distributaries and works on section KC-6C (12 distributaries).
The sources say progress on Balochistan Effluent Disposal into RBOD (RBOD-III) is 68.50 percent against the target of 100 percent, as RBOD extension from MKZP to Hairdin pump station, irrigation channel up to Chitti River, Hadero Drainage Unit, and Usta Muhammad Drainage Unit are behind schedule.
Sources have further stated that transfer of land and inadequate power supply by AJK government are the main hurdles in the smooth progress of Neelum-Jhelum project, which may be resolved at a higher forum. On the other hand, PC-I for colony of the Jinnah HPP was submitted to Planning Commission in February 2009, but has still not been approved.

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