231,000 kids still not getting education in Multan

11 Sep, 2009

Despite of the efforts of provincial government to increase the literacy rate and the admission campaign to admit children to schools, still about 231,000 children are deprived of education in district Multan. As per details, about 243,000 children are getting education in the schools of district.
Despite of heavy claims by the provincial government, about Rs 1.5 billion are still required to provide facilities in the schools. There is no electricity in 634 schools, no drinking water in 114 schools, no toilets in 182 schools and no boundary wall in 226 schools of the district. There is no furniture for about 16,500 students in the schools. Buildings of 125 schools are declared dangerous by the building department.
There is no sewerage system in 615 schools and 689 schools are facing the shortage of teachers. Record of 1,419 schools couldn't be computerised and these schools are also without playground. 4,257 members of school councils are untrained and these schools are without libraries.
According to the sources of Literacy Department district Multan, 80 informal literacy centres, 200 formal basic education centres and 200 adult literacy centres are working in the district having more than 24,000 people getting education in these centres, the literacy rate of the district could hardly reach to 43.04 percent.

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