9/11 incident termed conspiracy against Muslims

11 Sep, 2009

Jamaat-i-Islami Chief Syed Munawwar Hassan has said that the 9/11 incident was a conspiracy against the Muslims and a drama staged to invade the Muslim world especially Afghanistan and Pakistan. Speaking at an Iftar party hosted by JI Samnabad chapter on Thursday.
He strongly condemned US Admiral Mullen's statement that the US would respond if attacked from Pakistan and the Pakistani leadership has no objection on it. He said the US, after ransacking Afghanistan, had been attacking Pakistan's tribal areas for quite some time and its drone attacks were killings dozens of civilians.
He asked Mullen what more the US wanted to do against the country. While criticising the President Zardari's statement Munawwar said that more financial support from the world could move Pakistan to expand the war against the Taliban, and described it most shameful. He said President Zardari was doing his best to complete the US and Indian agenda and his statement was an insult to the nation. He said that practically the country was put on sale. All decisions were being taken by the democratic dictator over and above parliament, while the government allies were silent and the PML-N looks unconcerned and awaiting its turn.
He said President Zardari's one year rule had given nothing to the nation except hunger and poverty, load shedding, the IMF slavery, sugar crisis, drone attacks, displacement of millions in Swat affected areas by the military operation.
President Zardari's 22 foreign tours during one year costing the public exchequer billions of dollars without any return to the nation and the country.
Referring to US Secretary of Sate Robert Gates statement that Pakistan now believed that al Qaida and Taliban as a bigger threat than India. He said that India is the worse enemy of Pakistan. It was distributing arms and money in Balochistan and Fata besides it had stopped Pakistan's share of river water by building 62 dams and was thus guilty of water terrorism. He said that US India and Israel troika was working on its agenda to destabilise Pakistan and get hold of its nuclear installations but unfortunately the Pakistani leadership was supporting the troika only to prolong its rule.
He said the whole country and the media were a buzz with the reports of US Marines but the Interior Ministry was ignorant of their presence. The US and Indian embassies had been granted additional land in Islamabad and members of Black Water terrorist organisation were openly seen in Islamabad, Peshawar and other big cities and the independence of the country was at stake.

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