'Zardari may complete full four-year term'

17 Sep, 2009

Quoting political analysts, a report in world's top financial daily, Financial Times, has said that President Asif Zardari is likely to complete his four-year term in the presidency. "Political commentators in Islamabad now predict that the man viewed as a hapless acolyte, tainted by corruption charges, may complete a rare full four-year term as an elected Pakistani leader," the report said.
According to the report, Pakistan country has reached a "rare state of equilibrium between its accidental president, a half-competent prime minister, a head of the army prepared to stay in barracks and an opposition prepared to bide its time".
"The cautious optimism is felt on the streets of Islamabad and Lahore, where fears of attack have receded, to financial markets, enjoying a modest recovery. Some of this is thanks to aid money and foreign investment. An $11.3bn International Monetary Fund rescue package is in place. Donors including the UK, Saudi Arabia and Japan have pledged a further $5.5bn; US Congress is poised to approve legislation providing $1.5bn a year," the report says.

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