Partly Facetious: Two Babars don't make one Zardari

19 Sep, 2009

"I am sick and tired of all these contradictions."
"But the days when a leader could deny something he/she said are long over. Doesn't Farhatullah Babar realise that?"
"Normally the guy is very reasonable and careful about what he says. How can the PPP high command hope to deny something that was said in front of the entire press corps of this country?"
"Well it takes guts and Babar has displayed some guts at last."
"The kind of guts he displayed are more in line with those displayed frequently by the other jiyala Babar - ie Babar Awan."
"And the two Babars don't make one Zardari."
"Don't be facetious but I wasn't referring to the controversy created yet again by the president or his spokesmen and women. But about how this hapless country has two to three Eids per year."
"Why does it matter how many Eids we have? Let whoever sees the first chand (moon) cast the first saiwian (vermicelli)."
"Don't be facetious. A country should at least celebrate the same religious festival the same day. I mean it's not as if we are such a big country that we have more than one time zone."
"Each of our provinces has a different mindset and therefore I maintain they each operate in a different time zone."
"The President, a symbol of the federation, does spread a bit of controversy as you said but..."
"But still Eid should be celebrated on the same day throughout the country."
"But how is that possible? I mean the pathans started rozas one day before the rest of the country and if we are all to celebrate Eid the same day this year then they will have to fast 30 days while the rest of the country fasts 29 days."
"I, in the name of national unity, do solemnly agree to forego one roza..."
"You are so full of it."

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